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    We help companies, organisations and individuals to communicate better...

    and tell their story clearly.

  • About

    We're an agile, creative copywriting agency working across print, web and digital. We make complex subject matter readily intelligible through careful analysis and thoughtful writing. Our meticulously crafted copy makes a measurable difference to the way our clients are perceived and understood across their various platforms. Our articulate, experienced writers and creative teams are adept at working collaboratively, to demanding schedules and within mutually agreed, reasonable budgets.

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    Going the extra mile

    A personal approach to understanding our clients

    We work hard to understand your organisation and what it is that you do so that we can help you communicate clearly, confidently and imaginatively. Whether you need copy for a brochure, marketing campaign, social media, SEO, website or a script for a film, we can help. All projects are iteratively developed with clear production agreements written in plain English so that there are no unwelcome surprises along the way.

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    Imagination & creativity

    Providing precisely the right expertise for your project

    We come from a wide variety of professional backgrounds - research, journalism, legal, design, publishing, marketing, film & television, science, culture and the arts - and provide multi skilled creative teams who communicate clearly and imaginatively. As well as creating engaging, fresh and original copy we can also create identity designs, websites, motion graphics, animations and short films to help bring your story to life.

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    Audience and story

    Successful communication requires a fresh perspective

    We understand how difficult it can be to tell your story when you are wrapped up in it and so we bring a fresh perspective and creative eye in order to carefully analyse the effectiveness of your overall messaging. We then create imaginative and original, fresh copy that communicates your core brand and delivers your message in a strategic way, ensuring that your clients understand your story and brand perfectly.

  • Services

    We provide well researched, engaging copy for projects large and small where carefully crafted, imaginative writing and attention to detail are of utmost importance.


    We work with startups and young companies to create and develop their brand identity and with well established brands to distil and refine their overall messaging for their audience.


    Our specialist copywriting service is designed to dovetail with your existing professional creative network including PR agencies, marketing professionals and social media specialists.


    We also work with designers, artists, illustrators, filmmakers, animators, motion graphics designers, composers and coders to provide a wide range of other creative services as required.




  • Contact

    Please call to discuss your project in the first instance.

    Alternatively, email us an outline brief, or use the contact form below.

    The Copy Agency
    Oxford & London
    020 8099 1731